Endure Fierce Battles and Become a Defender of Virtue in This Game - Playable on G123!
[en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]
- CTW Inc., the Japanese operator of the leading HTML5 gaming platform G123 is excited to share news about their upcoming new game, Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time: Defender of Virtue! Pre-registrations have now opened!
- Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time: Defender of Virtue is a new RPG based on the fantasy anime series Peter Grill and the Philosopher’s Time which has gained popularity worldwide. Battle alongside girls which you can power up in various ways and head into battle in this exciting and hilarious brand-new RPG. The second anime season, Peter Grill and the Philosopher’s Time: Super Extra has been announced, too!
- Visit our G123 platform to pre-register directly! https://g123.jp/game/51?lang=en
- Keep an eye out on our social media pages to stay up to date.
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Petergrill_EN
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/g123.global
- Once the game releases, many in-game rewards will be sent out to all players, based on the amount of pre-registrations. Once the 50.000 pre-registrations milestone has been reached, players will receive 30 recruit tickets, and 5★ character Vegan! <
- 10.000 pre-registrations: 10k Coins, 5k Steel, 10k Ally XP, 10 Recruit Tickets
- 30.000 pre-registrations: 1k Gems, 50k Coins, 10k Steel, 300k Ally XP, 20 Recruit Tickets
- 50.000 pre-registrations: 3280 Gems, 1mil Coins, 15k Steel, 50k Ally XP, 30 Recruit Tickets, 1x 5★ Vegan
Peter Grill is getting a game version!
How to pre-register
Rewards for pre-registration milestones!

Starring Characters
Luvelia Sanctos (VA: Yui Ninomiya)

About the game
Game Title: Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time: Defender of Virtue Genre: RPG Price: Free (in-game transactions)About the story
Peter Grill wins the title of strongest man on earth after winning the Grand Fighting Tournament. As he was about to marry his fiancee, Luvelia, he suddenly finds himself at the center of attention of various women who all try to seduce him Although the strongest human in the world, Peter is very weak-willed. He succumbs to temptation again and again, letting his lower body get carried away. Shortly after, news arrives that an ogre incident is unfolding. Peter rushes over quickly, but is met with a surprising encounter on the battlefield. Visit the goblins, elves and dwarfs. No matter where - the seduction doesn’t end. It’s the Philosopher’s time to shine!About the anime, Peter Grill and the Philosopher’s Time: Super Extra
Homepage: http://petergrill-anime.jp/Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/petergrillanime[en]Source: [/en][es]Fuente: [/es]Official Press Release
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