Good news for T-Rex fans! Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii, the popular anime about a student who is kicked out of his house and has his life changed by three beautiful girls, now has an official English translation.
This new translated version is titled Imaizumi’s house seems to be a gathering place for gals, and for now, only the first two episodes have been translated.
You can purchase this and other translated hentai here:
We hope this news will be well-received by fans of this popular anime.
As soon as Anipha announces more anime translated into English, we’ll keep you informed.

Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashi is a doujinshi series created by artist Nori5rou. Due to its immense popularity, on August 6, 2021, Bunny Walker and the animation studio T-Rex released two animated episodes based on this series. Capitalizing on the success of the animated version, Nori5rou. launched on March 25 of this year the first episode of Imaizumi-chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii: DEEP, a family-friendly manga that tells the daily life story of the protagonists.
La entrada Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii Now Has Official English Translation! se publicó primero en EroEro News (EN).
from EroEro News (EN)